Oregon Eye Surgery Center Our ambulatory surgery center is a state-of-the-art facility boasting more cataract removal technology than any other facility in the world. Our Oregon Eye Surgery Center offers a highly-trained team committed to providing excellent care to the patients of the Oregon Eye Surgery Center. Where is the Oregon Eye Surgery Center located?… Read more »
Posts Tagged: eugene eye surgeon
The Cornea

Wondering what exactly the cornea is? What is the cornea? The eye’s outermost layer is called the cornea. The cornea is a dome-shaped surface that makes up the front of the eye. Your cornea acts as a barrier for your eye to the outside world. Your cornea and lens work to focus light on your… Read more »
Dante and The Cascades Raptor Center

Oregon Eye Consultants had a very exciting year! One of our proudest and favorite moments of the year is when we became Adoptive “Parents” to Dante, a Golden Eagle of the Cascades Raptor Center! The eagle eye is among the very strongest in the animal kingdom. They are said to be able to spot a… Read more »
Intraocular Lens (IOL) Options

IOL Intraocular Lenses (IOL) are medical devices that replace the eye’s natural lens when it is removed during cataract, or other eye, surgery. Our Cataract Surgery Specialists at Oregon Eye Consultants are experts in cataract surgery and IOL placement. Types There are several options for intraocular lenses: Monofocal Lens Monofocal Lens with Monovision Multifocal Lens… Read more »