What is a Uveitis Specialist? A Uveitis Specialist is a highly trained Retina Specialist-Ophthalmologist who has additional, specialized training in Uveitis. Looking to establish care with a Uveitis Specialist? Dr. Robert M. Beardsley of Oregon Eye Consultants, is the only fellowship-trained Uveitis Specialist in our area. You can call 541-687-1927 to establish care with Dr…. Read more »
Did you know that Dr. Beardsley was a Scuba Instructor in Belize before becoming one of the Top Retina Specialists in our Area–And the only Fellowship-Trained Uveitis Specialist in our area? #GetToKnowYourDoctor To learn more about Dr. Beardsley and our other physicians, visit our physicians page at: www.oregoneyeconsultants.com/physicians