Did you know that 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes? Diabetic eye disease is the #1 cause of vision loss in working age adults. 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed each year, and a large percentage remain undiagnosed. Unfortunately, 65% Americans that have diabetes do not get their annual eye exam. If you have diabetes, it… Read more »
Oregon Eye Consultants had a very exciting year! One of our proudest and favorite moments of the year is when we became Adoptive “Parents” to Dante, a Golden Eagle of the Cascades Raptor Center! The eagle eye is among the very strongest in the animal kingdom. They are said to be able to spot a… Read more »
Have you been referred to a Retina Specialist or are you wondering what a Retina Specialist is? A retina specialist is a medial doctor with specialized training and expertise in ophthalmology with a sub-specialty in the medical and surgical treatment of the retina and vitreous. Retina Specialists are highly trained, and their training generally includes:… Read more »